Location: Beverly Hills 310-659-5003, California, United States

Friday, July 15, 2005


Ok lets get down to some dental talk. There is so much buzz about extreme makeover, as well there should be. but lost in all the glamour and beauty is the basic fact that the vast majority of all dentistry done is to correct problems secondary to bacterial infection.....cavities and gum disease. The good news is that there is a lot of positive stuff going on about preventive dentistry, something that I hold very close to heart. Understand this, no child born in the United States today should ever have a cavity or gum disease. It isn't even that hard to do, just know your options. Does your diet have to be perfect, it helps, but if you do not want the confines of a perfect diet you have other things you can do to help eliminate the bacteria and all the problems associated with them.

If your dentist is just filling your teeth and not helping you understand why you are getting the cavities, and what you can do to prevent them ask him or her to tell you why. if not email me. I will be happy to answer your questions and yes I will be posting more about prevention. It will help me be a better expert on the subject


Blogger Unknown said...

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5:49 PM  
Blogger Dr. Frog said...

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7:48 PM  
Blogger Dr. Frog said...

mary francis, read my next post and you will see the answer. and thank you for taking the time to ask, you are my first since i started to blog

7:54 PM  

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